lunes, 4 de abril de 2016

Learn how to speak spanish: wedding vocabulary. Dia 209 #Retoiria365

In case you need to write about a wedding in spanish:
-Will you marry me?-quieres casarte conmigo?
- Fianceé- prometido(male), prometida(female)
-Vows-votos matrimoniales
-Wedding dress-vestido de novia
-Bachelor party-despedida de soltero
-Bachelorette party-despedida de soltera
-Honey moon-luna de miel
I hope this was helpful. If you have any question, request, critique or anything you can leave a comment down here, on my channel:  Iria te ayuda, on my twitter: @Iriateayuda, on my facebook: Iria te ayuda, on my instagram: iriateayudainst or you can mail me at: If you´ve liked it and you want to read more like this follow me. Thank you for reading.

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